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(1 edit) (+1)

Helo Dev i can't figure out how to trigger 3rd ending. What should i do?


hi, im really sorry, there's no 3rd ending because i forgot to put that :sob:, but im gonna update that real quick!!


Nice this was really good game and very good 3 endings anyway well done keep it up!



Thanks for playing! :D


The game looks great overall but on android it can't be played.

It says "There was a problem parsing the package".

(1 edit) (+1)

its seems like youre using an old android. for android version your android need to be version 13, but ill fix that real quick!


Ah alright, I can't wait to try your game on the phone. Works perfectly on pc though.

Keep up the great work overall and I hope to see more horror games in the future.


Thanks! yeah im gonna make more horror game soon, i make this horror game just in 1 day that's why the playtime is so short haha 

Hello  Don't you want to upload it to the Play Market?